book two photos
These photos are meant to accompany Quechua Cusqueño, YearTwo.
This page: Chapters 1-17. Next page: Chapters 18-24.
Q'ello uchu (ají amarillo), with garlic and olluco.

Uchu often appears on Nasca pottery.

Wiñay Wayna is a beautiful tampu (Inka waystation) found on the Inka Trail. Wiñay can also mean “forever”. Thus, Wiñay Wayna means “forever young”.
The department of Ayacucho is famous for the lovely town of Quinoa, the Inka usnu in Vilcashuaman, and its retablos, miniature scenes built inside a painted cabinet.
A samana wasi in the town of Quinoa.
The usnu at Vilcashuamán. An usnu can be a simple platform, or a pyramid-like structure like this one.
A retablo in Ayacucho. Retablos can be small or large and elaborate. They can depict religious themes, historical scenes, or daily life.
A humint'a (humita in Spanish) is made of steamed corn dough wrapped in corn leaves. It is similar to the Mexican tamal.

A charanku or charango.


Sikukuna (panpipes).

A waman (falcon) in Quinoa, Arequipa.

The puna, or highlands. Most people in the puna grow tubers or quinoa and raise animals. In this little hamlet of Panta in the Cusco region, the famous puya tree grows.
A haywakuy, or offering, is made to an apu or to Pachamama. Such offerings are made before beginning a project (planting, building a house), going on a long journey, or getting married. This haywakuy was made in the archaeological site Wariwillka in Huari, Huancayo.
This haywakuy is preserved in a museum in Yanque, Colca Canyon. We see various qerokuna (cups), kuka, and a llama fetus. An animal sacrifice is called arpa.